Design-Build projects are one service area where C&C has excelled. One example is shown on the photo above - the Quincy Approach Spans for the recently completed Fore River Bridge. Key project details include:
owner - MassDOT.
3-span-continuous; 164'-195'-161'.
curved alignment.
welded steel plate girders.
2-stage construction.
construction phase support.

C&C design staff have completed numerous bridge design projects for Design-Bid-Build procurement, one example being the Southwick Road Bridge over the Little River in Westfield, MA which is currently under construction. Key project details include:
owner - MassDOT.
single span; 160 feet long.
curved alignment.
welded trapezoidal steel box girders.
2-stage construction.
construction phase support services.
traffic and roadway design by C&C.
complete survey, ROW, by C&C.

C&C design staff have completed the planning, design, and construction phase services for an extensive multiple year rehabilitation program for the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Providence, RI. This IDIQ contract, primed by C&C, included 14 Task Orders. Key project details include:
owner - Veterans Administration.
client - US Army Corps of Engineers.
extensive facade rehabilitation.
electrical upgrades.
mechanical HVAC upgrades.
plumbing upgrades.
construction phase services.