C&C staff have inspected and/or rated the load capacity of hundreds of bridges, for clients including MassDOT, MBTA, Massport, RIDOT, ConnDOT, US Army Corps of Engineers, and MaineDOT. Key details include:
multiple teams available.
steel, concrete, prestressed, wood.
continuous & simple spans.
stringers, girders, arches.
cable stayed bridges.
confined space & aerial access.
all teams are led by qualified Team Leaders with up-to-date NHI training for in-service inspection.
all inspectors receive applicable safety training and are fully equipped with appropriate PPE.
C&C inspection staff have completed the inspection of dozens of commuter rail, rapid transit, and traffic tunnels for the MBTA and MassDOT. Railroad tunnels typically are inspected during non-revenue/night shifts to accommodate train schedules. Key details include:
multiple teams available.
railroad safety training maintained with MBTA, Keolis, and Amtrak.
OSHA safety training for confined space and general construction.
All PPE is provided by C&C.
Team Leaders have Professional Engineer status in MA and coordinate all applicable flagging, access equipment, and police details for each inspection.

C&C inspection staff have been very active in this service line. Literally hundreds of signs, light supports, traffic signals and ITS (aka Ancillary Highway Structures) have been inspected by C&C.
Key details include:
multiple teams available.
hands-on inspection of all members/elements.
ultrasonic testing of anchor bolts.
Team Leaders maintain NHI training for in-service inspection.
Team Leaders coordinate all applicable access equipment, traffic control, and police details.
urgent "flagged" deficiencies are reported immediately.