C&C traffic engineers played a critical planning role for the monumental rehabilitation of the Longfellow Bridge between Boston and Cambridge. C&C's traffic studies included the complex Charles Circle, pictured above. Key project details included:
transit tracks will occupy auto lanes, reducing available auto capacity.
multiple traffic studies, one for each phase.
Functional Design Report for each phase.
studied potential for major traffic diversion to other Charles River Bridges.
C&C traffic engineers are responsible for the preliminary and final design of complex Maintenance and Protection of Traffic (MPT) for the proposed improvements to the MBTA Symphony Station on the Green Line. Key project details include:
complex underground construction beneath urban intersection.
historical buildings flank the site; Symphony Hall and Horticultural Hall.
provisions for pedestrians, automobiles, MBTA busses, etc.
access to continuing Green Line service.
access to performance events.
adequate construction work zones.

C&C traffic engineers developed an MPT strategy to meet the strict requirements for fire services in Lawrence, MA. Pictured above is one segment of traffic staging to accommodate the major reconstruction of the East Haverhill Street Bridge over the Merrimack River. Key project details include:
extensive coordination between bridge engineers, MassDOT and City Fire Department.
three-leg urban intersection at the bridge location.
temporary (construction phase) traffic signals for alternating one way traffic with preemptions for Fire and Police.
2 major construction stages.